Rosie Hood with Lucy Huzzard Sat. 24th November 2018
Rosie Hood with Lucy Huzzard Sat.24th November 2018 8pm (doors open 7:30pm)at Sutton Benger Village Hall . Tickets £12. Phone 07415861597 for more information
A young folk singer from Wiltshire, Rosie Hood is known for her strong, pure voice and engaging solo performance. A BBC Performing Arts Fellow in 2015 and a 2016 Horizon Award nominee, Rosie has become more than purely a traditional singer. Having learnt folk songs from an early age, Rosie has a keen interest in the history of traditional songs, particularly those of her native Wiltshire, where she has spent time researching in the local archives and developing a broad repertoire of local songs. June 2017 saw Rosie Hood release her first full-length solo album The Beautiful & The Actual, a collection of old and new folk songs, described by The Guardian as “a classy arrival” ****.
Rosie will be accompanied by melodeon-player extraordinaire Lucy Huzzard. A graduate of the Newcastle Folk Degree and the Eric Sahlström Institutet, with influences ranging from English morris dance tunes to Swedish Slängpolskas, Lucy’s sensitive playing combines perfectly with Rosie’s voice, skilfully lifting each song.
- Tilston and Lowe, Saturday 28th April 9pm (doors 7:30pm) at Sutton Benger Village Hall, Chippenham.
- O’Hooley and Tidow: Saturday 16th March 2019